The purpose of this Blog

I created this blog back in 2005 because I had to for a class in College, but since then I have used to talk about various topics. It may not have anything interesting for most people, but that's because I am not catering to the masses. I am basically talking about whatever comes to mind when I think I know enough to talk about it. You will see that the topics are a scope of things that usually impact me. If you want more information and stories then you can stop by my website linked on the left. Feel free to comment and browse. I think some spam bots may have beaten you to it though.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Website

I have been spending a lot of time on the content and schema portion of my website. Not so much on design because my knowledge of Photoshop stops with what you see on my website. All of my pages are now PHP which helps me keep things like style and links consistent. I have read through much of the content and edited it accordingly.

But the part I have spent the most time on would be the Movies section. It is not complete, but probably will never be because I am always wanting to add more. I have basically devised Statistics on my movies from the data I have entered about them. So that I can see if there are certain genres, directors, studios that I prefer over others that maybe I didn't realize. I have entered this information for movies that I have just seen and may not own, but the stats are currently only for movies that I own.

I have updated the search for the Movies so that you don't have to enter the movie name starting with the first word. I have found that sometimes you may not know if 'The' is the first word or not and other times you may not be sure how I entered the title into the DB. Worry no more, enter what you wish as long as it's spelled correctly.

Now a short message to the hacker that decided to go in and mess with stuff: STOP. I have put tools in place that will find you if you do it again. I have removed the 'Delete' feature from my back-end so that you can no longer delete my movies/genres, etc that I have entered. The only thing that you can still do that you were doing is click the 'Seen' button and make it look like I watch 50 movies/day. It's not hard to correct that and I don't see you hacking in anymore. I have improved my login feature to reduce code injection, although I really don't think that's how you got in. Anyway, stop it's annoying and time consuming.

If you have suggestions or ideas for site such as better banner design. Let me know, I am always up for a change. Some things that I see adding down the road would be to expand my Media DB to include CD's and Video Games. I have created the tables in the back-end and the pages on the front-end with this in mind, so shouldn't be to hard to add.

Thanks for reading, later.

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