The purpose of this Blog

I created this blog back in 2005 because I had to for a class in College, but since then I have used to talk about various topics. It may not have anything interesting for most people, but that's because I am not catering to the masses. I am basically talking about whatever comes to mind when I think I know enough to talk about it. You will see that the topics are a scope of things that usually impact me. If you want more information and stories then you can stop by my website linked on the left. Feel free to comment and browse. I think some spam bots may have beaten you to it though.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Natural-born Cyborgs

In the first chapter that we read (chapter2) I liked one of the inventions in particular which is the marble answering machine. It seems simple enough for everyone to use without a million useless features. I also liked the the way they described Information Appliances.
"*That is an information appliance is geared to support a specific activity and to do so via the storage, reception, processing and transmission of information.
*Information appliances form an intercommunicating web.
*Information appliances are transparent technologies, designed to be easy to use and to fade into the background"(Natural-born Cyborgs, Andy Clark pg. 44)
The three functions sum up how the path of the future may go. A household network of information appliances working together in the background of human activity would create an transparent technology much like some technology today ie. the wrist watch.

As for chapter two that we read (chapter 6) I liked the description of the search engines and the formula that Kleinberg creates much like the one Google uses to search for webpages. Not by content but rather popular pages which are interlinks with hyperlinks to the root set. There are some other rules, but it brings up more relevant pages that the user is more interested in. I tried to find my blog and it was rather easy. I tried to find my website, though but couldn't. I then tried to use their example to put my webpage in their index so that later I may find it. Overall I liked these chapters and hope to read the full book sometime.

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