The purpose of this Blog

I created this blog back in 2005 because I had to for a class in College, but since then I have used to talk about various topics. It may not have anything interesting for most people, but that's because I am not catering to the masses. I am basically talking about whatever comes to mind when I think I know enough to talk about it. You will see that the topics are a scope of things that usually impact me. If you want more information and stories then you can stop by my website linked on the left. Feel free to comment and browse. I think some spam bots may have beaten you to it though.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


I just updated my website tonite on my graveyard shift in the Library Information Commons. I feel like I really made the most of my online space allotment. The load times may have also improved because I rebuilt it in Dreamweaver CS3; Before I had orginally started with Frontpage, then moved it to Dreamweaver (before Adobe bought it) and then to CS3; There was a lot of unused garbage in the HTML code. Looks cleaner and it is. Hope you enjoy. Let me know if you find misspellings or typos, it is 6am.

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